Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Major:
- Major code: 7580201
- Combination of subjects for admission consideration: A00; A01; D07
General objective:
To train professional civil engineers with high-level knowledge and skills, possessing political qualities and a sense of social responsibility, who can solve complex multidisciplinary problems in the construction industry. Graduates should also have the ability to adapt to the increasingly demanding domestic and international labor market which is constantly changing.
Program objectives:
- PO1: Graduates of the programme will be successful in tackling open-ended civil engineering problems in a quantitative and systematic approach;
- PO2: Graduates of the programme will be motivated to continuously expand their knowledge, be creative and innovative in their contributions to the field of civil engineering;
- PO3: Graduates of the programme will possess the ability to design and manage civil engineering projects in an ethical and professional manner
Intended Learning Outcomes:
a. Understanding the physical world and using knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences to represent it in pursuing and establishing research by the use of quantitative and qualitative methods
b. Understanding the fundamentals of the civil engineering field (e.g., construction geology, material science, construction physics, surveying, structural theory, technical design, construction informatics, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics, and computational techniques, analyzing data for design, build, and appraisal construction)
c. Ability to analyze and prepare investment projects and understand their economic, environmental, and social impacts
d. Awareness of professional and ethical responsibilities of a civil engineer
e. Ability to function as a member of a multidisciplinary team (including multi-national and mixed-gender teams) as well as having good knowledge of management and organization to be able to take on leadership roles
f. Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in life-long learning in order to work efficiently in situations in which new technologies emerge regularly, as well as take part in developing new technologies by engaging in research works having the ability to interpret and use empirical datasets, integrate technical literature and databases to solve specific civil engineering problems or fill knowledge gaps.
g. Ability to communicate matters related to civil engineering to colleagues in the same profession or the general public, effectively using oral, written, and other forms of communication.
h. A broad education necessary to understand the impacts of civil engineering solutions in a global and social context
i. A broad understanding of contemporary issues in civil engineering in the national, regional, and global level
j. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice, including identifying tasks of civil engineering, analyzing, abstracting, and formulating, along with being able to develop concepts, plans, and methods for proof and forecast (e.g., documented evidence for stability, energy efficiency, noise protection, flood protection, water supply)
k. Ability to use English in both technical and daily life situations
Program Information:
Students in the Civil Engineering program from the 2021 academic year will be trained as follows:
- Total Credits: 152 credits
- Training Duration: 4 years
- Language of Instruction: English