Construction Management
- Code: 7580302
- Admission Subject Combination: A00; A01; D01; D07
- PO1: an understanding of engineering-technology fundalmentals regarding engineering mechanics, mechanics of materials, soil mechanics and foundation, structure analysis, surveyving techniques. They are familiar with analyzing and synthesizing the data for the design, implementation for construction projects.
- PO2: a broad understanding of knowledge regarding construction organisation management and digital transformation in construction. Learners are equipped with appropriate practical knowledge; and they are able to take in charge of organising and administrating construction activities.
- PO3: an understanding of planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring construction projects. They are able to assess the economic, financial and social effects of construction projects. Learners are familiar with identifying problems that arise and make rational decisions throughout construction project lifecycle
- PO5: assess the impact of construction projects on the environment, economy and society.
- PO6: Learners are equipped with adequate skills in the project planning, implementation and management. They are able to make rational decisions in a timely manner regarding project progress constrol, quality assurance and finance management during the project implementation stage.
- PO7: use English language effectively to communicate and solve professional problems
- PO8: effectively cooperate with others in different situations and in a constructive manner (support, cooperation and teamwork)
- PO4: an understanding of political issues, professional ethics, and government policies. They are able to demonstrate awareness of good health and working skills required in the construction environment
- PO9: the ability to responsible apply and independently consolidate their knowledge. They have the ability of self-study to improve their qualifications as well as to participate in the scientific research and apply new technologies into practice.
Program Learning Outcome (PLOs)
- PLO1: An ability to acquire and apply the foundation knowledge in terms of natural and social science to understand principles of construction management.
- PLO2: An ability to understand basic principles of economy management, business management models, digital transformation in construction (BIM, AI), and utilize statistical tools and techniques for economic analysis.
- PLO3: An ability to understand and utilize mathematical tools, problem-solving methods including technical and economic tasks and problems, and professional knowledge in construction management for managing and controlling variety aspects of construction projects.
- PLO4: An ability to identify project objectives, scope and legal documents required as well as to be able to evaluate social-economic benefits of construction project investments; conduct literature research, collect and interpret data based on the methods of academic research.
- PLO5: An ability to grasp, analyse and evaluate methods and processes in construction management to solve complex problems across time, cost and quality management as well as apply artificial intelligence and building information modelling to improve the project management performance.
- PLO6: An ability to use tools and techniques required for identifying, analysising, and evaluating the problems as well as thinking independently, logically, and critically in seeking appropriate solutions; to work on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- PLO7: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences and actively work individually and as part of an international group as well as become accustomed to the responsibilities of leadership
- PLO8: An ability to comprehensively use English language in construction management, express themselves in a logical and convincing way both orally and in writing and communicate with their specialist colleague.
- PLO9: An ability to recognize ethics and professional responsibility in civil engineering and construction management; and have suitable communication and interaction with people.
- PLO10: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Students in the Construction Management program from the 2021 academic year will be trained as follows:
- Total Credits: 156 credits (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
- Training Duration: 4 years
- Language of Instruction: English