High-End Laboratories


The system of laboratories includes Laboratory of Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Computer room. It ensures the teaching and basic research. Through cooperation with domestic and foreign partners, we have implemented high-quality projects while continuing to improve the infrastructure system.

  1. Construction lab
  • Serving teaching and research in the fields of strength of materials, building materials, construction dynamics, geodesy.

Lab A1-101

Concrete Compressor

Steel test

Construction Structural Experiment Kit

Total station machine

Strain measuring device


  1. Soil mechanics lab
  • Serving teaching and research in the fields of geoengineering

Soil mechanics lab A1-104

Direct cutting machine

Limitation Kit Atterberg



Sieve set


  1. Fluid mechanics lab
  • Serving teaching and research in the fields of fluid mechanics.

Fluid mechanics lab A1-103

Flow measurement equipment

Threshold Overflow Flow Gauge

Instrument for measuring launch trajectory and nozzle flow

Liquid Friction Gauge

Reynolds coefficient and flow meter


  1. Computer lab
  • Serving teaching and research in the fields of numerical methods, artificial intelligence.



Lab Regulation