Under the direction of the Board of Directors and according to the official dispatch No. 1062-CV/TWDTN-KHCN dated June 5, 2020 of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union on the implementation of the Vietnamese Science and Technology Student Award Male (Attached).
The Vietnam Female Science and Technology Student Award (hereinafter referred to as the Award for short) is a noble award of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, awarded annually to female students with outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology. science and technology.
Therefore, the Department of Science and Technology would like to announce and respectfully request the teachers and units to inform students about participating in the Award with the following information:
1. Objects:
– Be a member of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union or a member of the Vietnam Student Association.
– Attending a full-time university from the 3rd year or more.
– Currently studying the following majors: [1] Information technology; [2] Information systems; [3] Information security; [4] Computer Science; [5] Computer networks and data communication; [6] Software engineering; [7] Computer engineering; [8] Computer engineering technology; [9] Electrical and electronic engineering technology; [10] Engineering technology of control and automation; [11] Chemical engineering technology; [12] Biotechnology; [13] Environmental engineering technology; [14] Materials technology; [15] Nuclear engineering technology
2. General standards:
– Having moral qualities, good sense of discipline, strictly observing the Party’s lines and guidelines and the State’s policies and laws; have the will to excel in learning and research
– Grade average cumulative learning up to the time of submission of application for the Award: Good at 3.2/4 (for credit institutions) or 8.0/10 or higher (for credit institutions). training schools according to the year system) up to the time of award consideration.
3. Specific standards
* In addition to the general criteria, the individual considered for the Award meets at least one of the following criteria:
– Having a patent for an invention or utility solution in the awarding industry.
– Having articles published in prestigious national and international scientific journals or printed papers in the proceedings of specialized scientific conferences at the university level or higher.
– Winning prizes in national and international competitions or academic competitions in the field associated with the training industry for which the Award is considered.
– Winning prizes and medals in creative competitions at school level and above
– Having a scientific research project for students at the university level or higher (the topic has been accepted and won an award at the school level or higher)
– Being a typical female student, an example of a good person, good deeds are recognized and praised
– Students actively participate in Union, Association and volunteer activities for the community, receive certificates of merit and certificates of merit
(Note: only consider achievements during university studies)
* Consider giving priority to female students who are ethnic minorities and people with disabilities who have an effort to rise up.
4. Attendance profile:
a. Declaration of personal achievements according to Form 01 (Excel file attached)
b. Application form according to Form 02. (Submit word and PDF files with signature)
c. Documents proving personal achievements (patents, articles, certificates of merit, etc.)
d. Summary report of research works, technological solutions, inventions, etc. in the industry registered for the Award (if any)
e. Self-introduction video of no more than 2 minutes
f. Candidate’s portrait
g. Transcript (with the school’s stamp)
Note: All attendance records please only send soft copies, if there are changes P.QLKH will update.
5. Prizes:
– Certificate of Merit from the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union
– Award Logo
– Cash reward at least 5 million dong
– Other rewards of sponsoring and sponsoring units (if any)
Participating authors, please send your application to the email address nlklinh@hcmiu.edu.vn before August 14, 2023 for the room to take the next steps. Authors please send file zip file and name it according to the form: IU_Registered field_Author’s name (Example: Biotechnology registration field and name Nguyen Le A => IU_CNSH_Nguyen Le A).
For detailed information, please see the attached file, teachers and students.
Contact specialist: Nguyen Le Khanh Linh – Email: nlklinh@hcmiu.edu.vn – Tel: 093 797 6806.